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Are there pianos that you do not service?

I do not service overdamper and vintage player pianos.


I assess every piano on a case-by-case basis, and may redirect you to other piano technicians who may have more expertise with specific piano types.

What is the average wait time for an appointment?

I am usually booked out for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Customers can request to be placed on my waitlist for an earlier appointment, should a cancellation occur around their area.


I limit the number of pianos that I service daily to maintain quality standards. I usually spend a bit more time improving the playability of your piano during the tuning appointment.


I also do not double-book, and I will contact you if I am running earlier or later by more than 15 minutes.

I take online bookings up to 12 months in advance, and most of my regular customers make a booking immediately after a tuning! Bookings can be rescheduled online at any time, and you will receive appointment reminders 2 weeks prior. 

What is your cancellation / rescheduling policy?

Life happens.


If you need to modify the appointment, please let me know as early as possible. No questions will be asked, no reason will be needed. Changes requested in good faith will not incur any penalty. 

Do I have to provide parking details?

If there is no 2P street parking readily available, I may contact you to arrange on-site parking.

Do I have to be physically present for the appointment?

If you can arrange remote access (for eg electronic key code, location of spare key, or unlocked rear door), I can service the piano without requiring you to be present. I will message you when I enter and leave your premises.  

How long does a tuning take?

The initial appointment will take approximately one and a half hours, and includes a review of the general condition of the piano.

What are your payment options?

Payment is taken after the service. I accept contactless card payments via Square, cash or bank transfer (direct deposit or PayID).

What are your COVID-19 measures?

I sanitize between jobs using hospital-grade antiseptic handrub (3M Avagard), and can wear a mask while at the piano. I am fully vaccinated.


I do not impose a penalty for rescheduling appointments, and encourage customers to err on the side of caution and reschedule if they are feeling unwell.

Why are your prices so high?

A piano requires more than regular tunings to stay in optimal condition. I add extra time to our appointments to address necessary tasks such as minor repairs, or simple regulation and voicing, in order to arrest the gradual degradation of the tone and playability of your piano.


The quality of my tunings is also set to a performance-level standard; I tune every piano just as thoroughly as a concert piano. I also do a review of the condition of your piano, and recommend proactive steps to make your piano sound better and last longer. I do more than the bare minimum.

Are you multi-lingual?

I understand Mandarin and Cantonese, but prefer to communicate in English.

Do you play the piano?

Only when I have to.

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